Listen to Dr. John Corvino
If you never heard John Corvino speak, run do not walk to check him out.Independent Gay Forum contributor and philosophy professor John Corvino is traveling the country to speak on homosexuality and morality. Events are free, so catch him if you can:You can read some of Corvino's thoughtful and rational essays at the IGC site.
November 2: Ripon College (WI), 6 p.m., Great Hall (Same-sex marriage debate w/ Glenn
Stanton of Focus on the Family)
November 8: University of Memphis (TN), 7 p.m., Psych auditorium
November 9: University of Texas, Dallas, 12 p.m., Conference Center 1.206
November 15: Carroll College (Waukesha, WI), 5 p.m., Campus Center Ballroom
November 16: Beloit College (Beloit, WI), 7 p.m., Wilson Auditorium
hat tip: Andrew Sullivan
Oh my, I've only read his one on usuary, and already I'm concerned I'm going to be up the rest of the night reading them all.
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